Pass the Flag Amendment
Patriot Outreach has teamed with Medal of Honor winner MG Brady, in his efforts to renew The Flag Amendment (which missed Senate passage by one vote)
Patriot Outreach's Board of Directors approved "Honor Our Flag" Program citing article:
'Inequities in the Law have Produced Inequities in Life'
Subject of Concern: American Flag Burning |
"The very act of flag-burning can trigger suppressed PTSD emotions and violent uncontrolled responses, all inflicted by those presently “protected” by a disconnected Supreme Court. *The Supreme Court and the Constitution should not protect these individuals who have taken what the courts call “symbolic free speech” and turn it into inciting lawless actions and violent speech. These actions disallow and clearly remove the “veil” of protection given by the courts."
And, Rees Lloyd agreed to lead program as General Counsel
- PDF Version |
Learn More:
"Let the People Decide"
The Citizens Flag Alliance is a broad-based, nonpartisan, nonprofit, national organization, which was formed to persuade Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that would return to the American people the right to protect their flag. We invite you to read and share this important doccument, and visit thier website at: citizensflagalliance.org |

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